Gigarom 4
Mac Giga-ROM 4.0 - 1993.toast
Critical Mass ƒ
Critical Mass.txt
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77 lines
Critical Mass 9/27/92
Critical Mass is based on a game I used to play on the Atari 8bit computer
about seven or eight years ago. I don't remember who wrote it or what it
was called, but the core idea is the same.
The Object: Help the nuns get to a vitally important... just kidding! The object
is to remove your opponent from the board. (although...)
The Play: You and your opponent (the computer) take turns placing bombs
on the board. If this placement causes it to reach critical mass the square
explodes, throwing its bombs to the surrounding squares, which then may
themselves explode.
The Rules: A player may place bombs in any square not occupied by his
opponent. Corner squares can safely hold one bomb, edge squares can
hold two bombs, while inner squares can hold three.
The Options:
Sound: If unchecked, no sound effects are played.
Color: If checked, bombs are drawn using the color picts. If your
monitor is not set to display the colors all bombs will
look the same. (I should automate this, I know).
Human Plays First: Just what it says.
The Levels:
Not Too Good: To determine its move, the computer considers only
its possible plays. It does not look at your
possible responses.
Not Too Bad: Each of your possible responses are considered for
each of the computer's legal moves.
Butt Kicker: Looks at each move, each reply, and each of its
responses to that. I have yet to beat this level.
Other Stuff:
You can always Undo your last move, even if the game has ended.
If you can draw better bombs (this should be easy) you can replace the
current ones using a resource editor such as ResEdit. Just be sure to
use the same ID numbers. The picts should be about the same size as the
originals so that four can fit in a square (squares are 60x60 pixels).
If you can draw a few frames of an explosion send them to me. I'll
put them in.
The program rotates explosion sounds beginning with sound resource #500.
you can change the current ones, and/or add new ones to the list. Just number
them sequentially from 500. if you add lots of sounds you may have to
increase the memory it uses. Do this in the 'Get Info' window from the
If you add a sound #404 it will be played every once in a while during
idle time between games. I use the 'Cantina' song from Star Wars. I left
it out of the release version to keep the size down.
This program is free. I hope you find this a welcome relief from
the growing trend of authors releasing as shareware any program that
doesn't crash too often. In my opinion, this trend sours the whole idea of
shareware, which should be an alternate method of distribution for
commercial-quality software.
I *would* like your opinion. If you think that downloading this program
was a waste of your time, tell me so. If you find it amusing, tell me
that, too. I can be contacted at:
CompuServe: 73777,611
Delphi: BlindSquirrl